Author: SHEQPGHOnline

SHEQPGHOnline is the dedicated online platform for local and international health and safety news, podcasts, webinars, expert opinions, and more to provide media influence on health and safety in Ghana and we provide a one-stop location for health and safety news covered by mainstream media.

Another road traffic accident has recently occurred on the Kintampo-Tamale stretch, killing two people and injuring thirty others. According to the source, the incident occurred on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at around 5 pm near the Soronoase Toll Booth. The incident occurred after the front tyre of a tractor detached, causing it to crash with a commercial bus. From details of the incident, we can attribute the immediate cause of the crash to the front tyre detaching and the underlying cause to the lack of system of maintenance and inspection on the part of the operator. The incessant occurrence of…

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Situational Update of Ghana’s OSH Legal Framework Sunday 7 March 2021 | 7:30 PM GMT There has been a lot of talk-about Ghana’s Occupational Health and Safety Legal Framework. A few important questions are; to what extent do we need a reform in the OSH legal framework? What exactly is the problem with the current legal framework? What is the benchmark for a national system? What are the best practices for a national system? This webinar session is the first of the Sunday Webinar Series aimed at introducing a platform for occupational health and safety professionals to engage, add to…

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We are happy to announce #WebinarSundaySeries, the latest event that aims to provide a platform for occupational health and safety professionals to engage, add to knowledge and change the narrative of health and safety in Ghana. As the founder of SHEQPGHOnline, I strongly believe this new paradigm will become the biggest platform for health and safety professionals to engage in impactful discussions on hot topics in the spirit of connecting, learning and sharing. Keep your eyes on the >>>webinar calendar<<< as we plan all the webinars for 2021. We encourage all professionals to be part of this community as we…

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“gods” pacified to Halt Fatal Road Accidents on the Tamale – Kumasi Highway The Paramount Chief and Traditional Elders of Mankpan Traditional Area pacified the “gods” at Mile 40 on Sunday, February 28, 2021, to help curb accidents on the Tamale-Kumasi Highway, following their concerns over how 4 road traffic accidents has claimed 28 lives with several others injured in February. The Paramount Chief and his elders observed the traditional rite to appease the “gods” of the land for the safety of the residents who ply the road by offering an animal sacrifice. Source: SoireeNews So this is a typical…

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This is another road traffic crash which occurred around 1 am today at the Akyem Asafo stretch of the Accra – Kumasi highway this morning with many persons feared dead. According to the reports, this gory incident occurred after two Grand Bird buses collided head-on. The 16 persons are feared dead included a 3-year-old boy. Other reports are that several passengers are in critical conditions following the crash in the Eastern Region. To prevent such reoccurrences, it is imperative that all highways are converted into dual carriageways. From observation, the very common causal factor of multiple fatalities is always a…

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So this is the scene of a fatal accident that has recently occurred just 3 days ago at the Tema Port Terminal during an offloading operation involving metal beams. The scene clearly shows the result of what appears to be a total disregard for safety on the job. And you can hear the wailing of a worker who has just lost a colleague to a workplace accident. So clearly, the cost of an accident is pain and misery and the loss of livelihood of the dependents who have just lost a breadwinner. This is one of the reasons why the…

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According to IOSH Magazine, A luxury hotel in Scotland and its night porter have been prosecuted following a huge fire that killed two guests. Cameron House Resort in Loch Lomond was ordered to pay £500,000 while employee Christopher O’Malley was given a community payback order to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work after he placed a plastic bag of ash in a cupboard containing kindling and newspapers, igniting the blaze. This incident occurred in the early hours of 18 December 2017, when a staff noticed smoke coming from the cupboard. Shortly after the fire took hold and flames quickly spread.…

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As reported by Joynews just today, there has been a fatal accident at Sarekyekura, a farming community near Fufulso in the Savannah Region with eighteen people feared dead after two buses had a head-on collision. According to the source, those who died included 12 males and 4 females including a child, with many others said to be in a critical condition after they sustained varying degrees of injuries. According to the Savannah Regional Fire Commander, Kwasi Baffour-Awuah, a Yutong bus with registration number AC 1699-20 from Kumasi to Garu collided with another bus with registration number GN 3345-16 travelling from…

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This is another case of Petrol Tanker explosion which has claimed the lives of two persons in Wa in the Upper West Region after a tanker containing petrol blew up during a welding activity. According to the source of the news, which is Myjoyonline, the deceased persons, a 24-year-old Amidu and 20-year-old Issahaku were performing a hot work activity, i.e. welding to seal off leakages on the tanker at the Wa Magazine when the explosion happened. One person passing by when the explosion occurred also sustained burns on his left arm. According to an eye witness who spoke to Joynews,…

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