The latest trend is the new wave of digital transformation in safety, where safety professionals engage online using the newly emerging technologies. WhatsApp and Telegram came and everyone hopped onto it for community. The trend further changed; zoom app which became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic made virtual conferencing possible. The latest trend now is the use of Virtual Reality for conferencing like the Safety Connect 22, a yearly virtual conference organized by Safeopedia.
Also, online media like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedin have paved the way for sharing content with an ever-increasing audience. The trend here is individuals and safety communities are now able to have their own online platforms like Safety Knights, Safety Justice League, Safeopedia, SHP Online, etc. to engage. These are the source of inspiration for SHEQPGHOnline.
Last but not the least is safety entrepreneurship which is gaining an interesting momentum now. Safety professionals are building side hustles using technologies to monetize their skills. So there are those creating online courses, templates, apps, marketplaces, and communities and those providing solutions offline.
In conclusion, people are now going beyond just their jobs to pursue their higher purpose and to develop their full potential. How has it been just focusing on your job alone? Has it been fulfilling? There’s value in higher purpose.